Student FAQs

Check out the research our faculty do.  Each spring there is an application process to do summer research with some of these faculty.  Also, we send out lots of announcements about other opportunities.  All of this comes out of on department mailing list (email Courtney Kujawa to get on the list).

Also, check out this page about how to find summer research and internship opportunities.

The passing mark "S" is equivalent to a C- or better and will satisfy any requirement associated to a course including General Education and Physics Major requirements. There are no restrictions placed on the number of courses a student may choose to take pass/fail unless they are considering some of these options:

  • Students seeking the Dean's List, Department Distinctions, or Honors are encouraged to review the Policy page before deciding to take a course pass/fail.
  • Students who are planning competitive graduate programs (particularly pre-med) are strongly encouraged to take courses for letter grades. 
  • Students who take a course on a pass/fail are able to request a letter on letterhead written by the professor of the course to explain what letter grade they would have received had they taken the course for a grade. A copy of this letter can be retained in the student's file in the Registrar's Office and sent as a supplemental document with their transcript upon request (please select that you have an attachment in the transcript ordering process to allow for a letter to be sent with an official transcript).
If you take AP physics in high school, you need to submit your scores to the registrar to get credit on your transcript for the courses.  Placement into a physics course is separate from credit.  Just because you have credit doesn't mean you should skip intro physics.  Use this document to determine which intro course you should take first.
CC physics majors pursue all kinds of careers after graduation. Check out our alumni stories to read about some of them. Or attend our career seminars to meet some alums and hear their stories. Or check out the CC alumni network Tiger Link, which is a great way to connect to physics alums!
All physics majors do a capstone project in their senior year.  Past capstone projects range over a wide variety of topics from neutron stars to falling slinkies to wind turbines and how bacteria eat.

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Further Questions?

Courtney Kujawa

Courtney Kujawa, the Physics Department admin assistant, can help you with any other questions you have!


Office Phone: (719) 389-6577

Office Location: Barnes #230

Report an issue - Last updated: 08/23/2024